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Activation mails not send after update

  • @ingeb1983


    Hi there,

    I have been customizing my activation emails and yesterday they worked fine.
    Today I updated to Buddypress 2.5.0 (I running WP 4.4.2 for a few weeks now) and the activation emails are not sent anymore.

    Please help.

    Kind regards,

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  • @djpaul


    Hi @ingeB1983

    I’m sorry you’re having problems. Thank you for letting us know.

    * How were you customising your activation emails?
    * Is your site sending other emails correctly, or are all emails broken? Can you test to be sure?
    * Are you running WordPress multisite, or regular WordPress?
    * Do you run any plugins that change wp_mail or affect how emails are delivered? For example, any plugins that send email via Mailchimp, etc?



    Hi Paul,

    Thank you for responding.

    To answer your questions:

    * How were you customising your activation emails?
    -I was changing lines in the .pot file in PoEdit and generated a new .mo file in order to personalise the activation mail a bit more. (No core files were adjusted or changed)
    -I made a change in the buddypress.min.css file

    * Is your site sending other emails correctly, or are all emails broken? Can you test to be sure?
    I have only sent out activation emails up to this point. To test your question, I have manually added myself as a user and activated the account. Then, I send a confirmation email which it DID send, only the sender was WordPress instead of my site name.

    * Are you running WordPress multisite, or regular WordPress?
    Regular WP. No multisite

    * Do you run any plugins that change wp_mail or affect how emails are delivered? For example, any plugins that send email via Mailchimp, etc?
    Not to my knowledge. I am currently running these plugins:

    – BuddyPress
    – Child Theme Configurator
    – Jquery Updater
    – Members
    – Page Excerpt Widget
    – Rating Widget
    – User Submitted Posts

    All of them were running as well yesterday when it still worked.

    Let me know if you need any more info.




    > Then, I send a confirmation email (which was received)

    Can you forward that email to me? I want to check something. You can find my email address on thank you.

    I’ll try to test this type of email before the weekend to confirm it should still work.
    I fear this is going to be very tricky to find what the problem is.



    Super, thank you.

    I have forwarded the confirmation email (which was indeed received). Let me know if you need anything else.

    In the meantime, would it be possible to downgrade to the previous BuddyPress version?




    Thanks for forwarding. I wanted to confirm that was a standard WordPress email (which it was), which would have been sent through the wp_mail() function, which proves your mail service does actually work.

    You can get all previous versions of BuddyPress on

    Email delivery is a bit of black box. I am going to find or build a plugin to help us debug whether BuddyPress thinks it sent the email correctly or not.

    Where is your site hosted? Is it ?



    Perfect, hopefully the problem can be fixed.

    I am going to downgrade for now. Please keep me informed.

    Yes, that is where the site is hosted.




    I have the same problem. After the update no mails are send.




    Im running into the same problem, But its not just the Activation mails, its any kind of mail related to buddypress thats not working anymore. My members get no updates and cant activate. Please Bring us a fix/solution Asap



    People who are having problems: as far as I know, we have never seen this problem before during testing. If someone like you had helped us test BuddyPress 2.5 in beta or release candidate stage about four weeks ago, we’d have fixed it prior to release.

    We’ll get it fixed as soon as we figure out what the problem is.

    I was just thinking about it and have one question which would be interesting: in wp-admin Settings > General, the value for the Email Address — is it a REAL email address? For example, if you were to send an email to that address, would it receive it?




    I agree having more betatesters would be fine but sometimes it’s difficult when you just manage only one Buddypress site.

    I’m having the same problem, the activation mail is not being sent since I updated. I have activated full debug mode (E_ALL and Display_errors) but nothing shows in the error log.

    Besides, I had overriden the normal activation mail in my child’s theme’ functions.php. After it stopped working I did a grep and saw the function I was trying to use was in the v2.5 deprecated list, so I commented out all the overriding code.

    I’m using the Easy WP SMTP plugin, the sender mails are good ones both in the plugin and the main WordPress configuration, and it can receive mails.



    People with email delivery problems: who’s your webhost?



    On premises, private web server (Debian+Nginx in a OpenStack instance); email by Google for Education (using Easy WP SMTP plugin).


    Shared server



    I can tell right now that anyone using the “Easy WP SMTP” plugin are going to have problems with BuddPress 2.5+, but I think we can fix it.

    – you sound like you’re up for experimenting! – can you download this file and add the .PHP file to your mu-plugins folder and test again?

    For anyone else: don’t try this yet.



    Hi Paul,

    I can’t find such mu-plugins folder but after adding the one-liner from your Gist to my functions.php file, I have tried a fake registration and the “user” has received the activation mail, using the new v2.5 format 🙂



    @fidelleon Thanks for testing!

    Support for “WP-Mail-SMTP” and “Easy WP SMTP” will be fixed in BuddyPress 2.5.1.
    See for tech details.



    Still thinking about other problems reported in this thread.



    Thanks for working on it Paul.

    btw, the value for the email address in Settings -> General is a real email address. I send & receive emails here on a daily basis.



    Many thanks for looking at it, Paul 🙂



    @ingeb1983 @dcstyle @ingeb1983 Hi. If any of you are still using BP 2.5 and still have problems and are NOT using “WP-Mail-SMTP” or “Easy WP SMTP” plugins, maybe could you help me test something?

    Download this plugin and activate it (it’s called “BP Email Debug”). Then do something to get a BuddyPress email sent — something that you know was working in previous versions that is broken now.

    This new plugin should send an email to the Site Admin email address (wp-admin Settings > General > Email Address) containing information that will help us to better understand the problem.

    You only need to get 1 or 2 of these emails; you can de-activate the new plugin afterwards (otherwise you could spam yourself!).

    Then please share the content of the email here, or email it to me if you don’t want it public.




    Just adding to master topic tracking this.
    I’m seeing similar problems using Mandrill to send email.

    Here’s the plugin I’m using:
    I’ve got version 1.33 installed.
    Wordpress 4.4.2, Buddypress 2.5, Single Instance wordpress running on nginx



    Hey Paul Gibbs, I did what you asked and the results in the mail i got from the site admin was :

    Email delivered – true

    Also i do get mails when users change stuff from there wordpress profile, for example in the backand i changed a users email and he got a mail of email change.

    My users do not get any mails from registering or activitys on the site they signed up for



    @djpaul any updates on this topic?



    Hi I’ve a got an other problem. The activation mail comes as plain textl.
    HTML Email is not send.
    All Emails are in English a german translation is only possible when i change the text manualy.

    Befor the update i had a [bp-custom.php] and it worked.



    @karolbielecki The German language pack has not been updated for BuddyPress 2.5, so that’s expected:

    Please start a new support discussion, I don’t think your issues have anything to do with this thread.

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