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active members on the friend page of BP not showing

  • @fel3000



    When a logged in user goes to the friend page, there are no members listed (Message is: Sorry, no members were found). However, on the members page ( the active members appear. The non-active members don’t appear in either list.

    I would like the user to be able to add friends from the friends page, but there is no way to at this point. I believe the capability should be there? A user could go to the member page and add a friend from there but because the option appears in the top right drop down menu I presume many users will try to do that from there. Any ideas as to what might be the issue and resolution?

    I am using the latest version of wordpress, buddypress, and bbpress.

    Any help you could provide would be most appreciated! Thank you!

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  • @bphelp


    Friends page is for current friends not potential friends. Logically it would not make any sense to have an “Add Friend” button in there because if they was already your friend they would be listed.



    Many thanks for the information!

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