Hi @lucadgg,
Add the code to functions.php of your current theme.
/** this code hide comments for no logged in users*/
add_filter( 'bp_activity_get_comment_count' , 'bp_only_loggedin_can_see_comments', 10,1 );
function bp_only_loggedin_can_see_comments( $count ){
if ( !is_user_logged_in() )
$count = 0;
return $count;
Hi @megainfo,
This code seems to HIDE the comments to non logged in users.
What I need is to SHOW the comments to non logged in users, which is something I’d expect to be by default.
Thank you
11 years, 2 months ago
I noticed that on http://social.adormo.com/ you won’t see any comment to activity messages unless you are logged in.
You can see the difference by logging in via FaceBook and then seeing all the comments.
I can’t find a solution online, any idea?