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Activity feed difficulties

  • @karmatiger


    running latest wp and bp installs, Kleo theme.

    The animation in the activity feed doesn’t play nice with google. If you’re half way down the page and reload, you only see a blank background. You have to scroll quite far up for the animation to trigger content. When you’re starting at the top and scrolling down, the animation jams ans you have to wiggle the screen up and down to get content to show.

    I’ve tried deactivating the animation, but the methods seem a bit hackey. What is the elegant way to do this?

    Second, the bp_activity_content_body() on the entry page, part of the activity loop, pulls full sized featured image rather than a thumbnail. I’m using

    				$blogpost_id = bp_get_activity_secondary_item_id();
    				if ($blogpost_id) :
    					if (has_post_thumbnail( $blogpost_id ) )	:
    						$theimg = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $blogpost_id ) ); ?>
    						<a href="<?php echo get_post_permalink($blogpost_id); ?>"> <img style="thumbnail" style="width:100%;" src="<?php echo $theimg[0]; ?>"></a>
    					<?php endif; 
    				bp_activity_content_body(); ?>

    …to fetch the thumbnail but now I need a way to not have bp_activity_content_body() place the full sized feature image in the excerpt.

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  • @henrywright


    With reference to the animation, have you tried contacting the theme’s author? Usually when there’s an issue like this it’s worth reporting it so they can issue a global fix.



    Yeah, I’ve ben talking to SeventhQueen, makers of the Kleo theme I’m using, but their response to almost every question asked is “have you tried looking for a plugin that will do what you want?”



    kleo matches 175 times in search result on this forum… and only 55 times at 7thqueen support.

    Despite we can’t help you with premium themes, as we have no access to the code, people constantly comes here to ask for help, solve issues or get advice for customizing their expensive theme.

    That’s sad, a little unfair and may be just c’est la vie finally ?

    Perhaps, when you are tempted to buy some novelty item – such as an awesome newest theme – try to visualize it in a pile of junk at a yard sale with a 50 cent price tag on it!

    Did you ever asked you why WordPress comes with a new default theme each year since 2010 ?

    Guess it’s time to say Hello Twenty Seventeen !



    I usually modify the latest WP theme, as they tend to be pretty stable, but this is my first time working with buddypress and I wanted to start with something built-in buddypress compatible to have a starting point.

    Sort of like how when I went to the Ford grounds in Dearborn, there was a Toyota Prius just inside their shop being reverse engineered “studied”.

    Anyhow, for now I’ve just switched off animation for the lot. Now I’ve moved on to trying to figure out how to add field data bbeside the title (Name) in the profile, but the tutorials for that on this site all seem to be 404ing.

    It’s gonna be one of those months.



    Yeah ! Tips and tricks is a wide subject.
    We have unfortunately more people here who search for tricks as people who share them. And nothing to say about those volonteered to write codex articles.

    With almost 4 updates/year, not all tricks are reusable from one BP version to another. So the only place to get some is the forum – with a preference for recent topics as first !

    A few keywords and patience should be enough.
    Not that i’m the only one who publish snippets here, but you can find some of mine by searching bpfr_
    If it can help you ! 😉



    silly question – where does one find the forums?

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