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Activity Feed for members only?

  • @rhoward8419


    Does anyone know how to make the activity page so that you are only sharing posts within your circle of friends? The activity page is very cool except that everyone on the whole site will see your comments, updates, timeline, etc. If you make a comment on your profile activity page the only way for someone to see it besides the activity page is if they check yoour profile each time. I hate using the “F” word but I guess it would be similar to Facebook. Thanks and have a great weekend!

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  • @danbp


    Activity feed for Members only or Friends only ?

    Activity Loop

    and pay attention to scope. As of BP 2.2.0, you can now use multiple scope.

    if ( bp_has_activities( bp_ajax_querystring( 'activity' ) . '&scope=friends,groups' ) ) :

    You could also use bp_parse_args in a custom function or
    search on forum for similar to your question, like this one.



    For friends only.



    Would be better if there was an option in the Admin section (BuddyPress settings) in which admins could just select Activity permissions.



    Furthermore, the posted link doesn’t help non-coders (like me). What file should be edited? Where should the edit take place?

    Please assist…



    The activity loop is in the template. And the file you can edit doesn’t exist.

    In fact it exist, but you have to make a copy of it first, make your modification and add the copied file to your child-theme.

    Be warned 😉 : if you modify the original file, the modification will be lost at the next update of BP.

    The concerned file is /buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/activity/activity-loop.php
    Inside that file you will see what is explained on the codex page i indicated you previously.

    All the other points are also explained on the codex.

    Would be better if there was an option in the Admin section

    Do you imagine the number of settings which would be necessary to fit all existing and upcoming use cases ? Even our spumoni dudes devs haven’t implemented a pizza oven yet ! 😀



    Yeah but one would image that there would be a simple option for the admin to disallow non-members to view the Activity.

    I don’t think that’s an over the top request.

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