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Activity-Feed questions/requests

  • @miguael


    My installation is a webportal for youthwork where users can submit stuff with the Plugin TDO-Miniforms. It works great, but I have a question/request:

    The activity-feed shows the user who changed (revised) the article. That is not good, because we have to revise with different user from submitter, but it shouldn’t show in the activity-feed. Everytime it is revised by a different user it makes an activity-entry… Would be great if the activity-feed would just show the original author and not the reviser. Is there a possibility to change that?

    Second question: The activity feed shows information I don’t want people to see (per example stuff from plugin like that: [hidepost] blabla [/hidepost]). It is like the_content_rss in normal WordPress. My question is, if I can change that or my request if it could be changed at all…

    I know this is kind of “special” but for our installation it’s important!

    See an example here:

    Thanks in advance :-)!

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