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Activity filter for specific blog category.

  • pengume


    I am trying to filter out some content on my activity wall. I have created my own loop and am trying to get it to load using ajax. I am kinda stuck here.

    I am trying to query a specific category within a blog. Like only posts that are in my category of Id 3 will show up within the filtering results. I can see the option for the item_id to be set to pickup all posts from that items blog but I also need to filter a specific category. Any ideas or thoughts? If you need me to be more clear please let me know.


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  • pengume


    Hello Again,

    I am having trouble still. I seem to not understand the process in which to add a query string from the main activity wall. Pretty much I am stuck on how and where to put my new update-loop.php to see if it is working. It just defaults out to site wide activity. I have read through the _inc/ajax.php and can see a switch statement to get the feed url for the main filtering options but on how it filters is still the big mystery for me. WHere and how are the feeds being generated, do I need to make my own feed? If someone knows could they please help by explaining the flow of what happens and where to put my new update-loop.php file so it can filter and look amazing!



    Anyone got any input on this? I have been through the code over and over and I know I am making it way harder then it should be. Any grunt noise or links to more detailed explanation would be great.



    Tearing my hair out at this point. nothing seems to be doing what I expect or what I think should happen. Can anyone not answer any of my questions? It would be so helpful if I could get some explanation on how the AJAX works.



    let me clearly ask at least one question that would be very helpful in my knowledge and future development of how buddypress is working using AJAX.

    How can I create my own loops and use them within the ajax filtering options on the main activity wall?

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