Still works for my site, but have not updated Buddypress yet to latest version
Thanks @peter-hamilton 🙂 Its always tricky choosing a plugin that’s lost support though, because you know sooner or later there will be a breaking change :/
I have WP 3.9.3 and BP 2.0.1 and this plugin didn’t work and i never got a reply from the author. I can’t find anything else out there. Seems a very basic feature to see the latest activity pushed to the top of the activity loop. Also can’t find a plugin that will work properly.
Any fresh ideas out there???? PLEASE help!
9 years, 8 months ago
Hi All!
Awesome work on the platform so far.
I’ve been reading through a few posts here on bumping activities to the top of the stream when they receive replies / comments. Would seem like a fairly key way to increase member engagement by promoting opinions shared etc. an prompting further discussion – much in the same way Facebook do (yes I’m aware that BP isn’t Facebook though!).
I can see there has been a plugin developed ( but that it’s out of date / broken.
Do you foresee this type of functionality forming part of the BP core?