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Add Friend only with Admin Role

  • @jeremy_lv


    Hi all,

    I try to use BuddyPress linked with iFlyChat.

    I’ve got 5 different team in my society, with supervisors and agents. I need my agent to speak only with his supervisor.

    I want to know if it’s possible in buddypress, to add friend only with admin/moderator right, which mean that moderator will send friend request to his team members and add them in chat. So supervisor will see all his staff, and agent will see his supervisor only (and cannot add other agent).

    Thx for your support and sorry for my English 🙂

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  • @henrywright


    Hi @jeremy_lv

    Unfortunately, the functionality you describe isn’t available in BuddyPress currently. You could try opening a topic in the Ideas forum. Alternatively, you could attempt coding it yourself or perhaps search for a plugin in the WordPress Plugin Directory.

    If you decide to go-it-alone and code yourself, then feel free to open a new topic here for each specific question you may have.

    Hope this info helps!



    Hi Henry,

    I’m just new with wordpress and buddypress 🙂 it’s gonna be hard for me to start coding something.

    As you said, i’m gonna try to open a topic in ideas forum.

    thx for your support 🙂

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