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Added a filter in the member directory.

  • @kamelblua


    Hello, I added a drop down with as option the groups created by the users, my goal is when you click on a specific group, it displays the members of the group, cordially.

    Do you know how I can do that please?

    Screen :

    filter group

    filter group

    code :

    function add_dropdown_filter_society() {
        <div class="flex bp-secondary-header align-items-center">
            <div class="push-right flex">
                <select id="groups-order-by" data-bp-filter="members">
                    <option value="active">Société</option>
                    $groups = groups_get_groups();
                    foreach( $groups["groups"] as $group ) {
                        ?> <option value="society"> <?php echo $group->name; ?> </option> <?php
    add_action('bp_before_directory_members_content', 'add_dropdown_filter_society',10,3);
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  • @shanebp


    To get group members, use groups_get_group_members



    Thanks for the answer, I will look into this method.



    Hello, I come back to you, because I did not succeed what I wanted to do, moreover I made some modification in my code, in fact I do not want to filter by groups, but by a meta then, already I coded the code to obtain a user by a meta_value and a meta_key, but I do not know how to add my request in the loop members for which displays me the user in the content members.

    function add_filter_society() {
        <div class="bp-members-filter-wrap subnav-filters filters no-ajax">
            <div id="dir-filters-rubrash" class="component-filters clearfix">
                <div id="members-order-select-rubrash" class="last filter">
                    <label class="bp-screen-reader-text" for="members-order-by">
                        <span>Trier par:</span>
                    <div class="select-wrap">
                        <select id="members-order-by-rubrash" data-bp-filter="members">
                            <option selected>Filtre par société</option>
                            global $wpdb;
                            $society_meta = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT distinct meta_value FROM $wpdb->usermeta WHERE meta_key = 'mepr_societe_facultatif'");
                            foreach($society_meta as $society) {
                                if(!empty($society->meta_value)) {
                                    ?> <option> <?php echo $society->meta_value; ?> </option> <?php
                            <?php } ?>
                        <span class="select-arrow" aria-hidden="true"></span>
    add_action('rb_enter_directory_members_content', 'add_filter_society');
    function get_member_by_society() {
        $user_query_meta = get_users(array(
            'meta_key' => 'mepr_societe_facultatif',
            'meta_value' => 'selectOption'
    add_action('rb_enter_directory_members_content', 'get_member_by_society');

    Do you have an idea?

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