Unless you have a theme or another custom plugin already overriding it somewhere else, here’s where you’ll find it inside the Buddypress plugin.
buddypress > bp-templates > bp-legacy > buddypress > groups > single > members.php
buddypress > bp-templates > bp-nouveau >buddypress >groups > single > members-loop.php
profile field
<?php echo xprofile_get_field_data( 'profile field name', bp_get_member_user_id() ); ?>
Remember to override the template with your own in your theme so plugin updates doesn’t override your changes.
thank you for your answer.
However, I found this solution :
<p class="plist">Pour me tagguer dans un message, veuillez saisir : <strong>@<?php echo bp_member_user_nicename(); ?></strong><br />
<strong>Je suis : </strong><?php echo bp_member_profile_data( 'field=Présentation personnelle' ); ?><br />
<strong>Je représente : </strong><?php echo bp_member_profile_data( 'field=Nom de la structure que je représente et ville pour les bibliothèques et les établissements scolaires' ); ?></p>
And I’ve put that in both members-loop.php from
and that works just fine.
thank you for your answer.
I just wonder, I haven’t understand what xprofile is.