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[Resolved] Adding Biographical Info to the Buddypress profile page

  • @goldroo


    I would like to add an author’s Biographical Info to the Buddypress profile page.
    I would like to add the info to the child-theme/members/single/member-header.php file (at least that is where I think it should be).
    So far all I tried did not work …

    I use the Suffusion theme that includes a BuddyPress pack.

    I found some code here which I can add to that page that returns the “description” for a nominated user, but I need to amend the code so it automatically returns the “description” for the particular member.
    The first line of that code is
    `$user_id = 9;`
    but I need the $user_id to refer to the relevant member of the profile page.
    Somehow the member-header.php file knows which member’s details to display, but I have no idea how to do the same.

    Here is one of my member profile pages where I’d like to add the “description” field:

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  • @goldroo


    Figured out how to add the description:
    $key = 'description';
    $single = true;
    $user_last = get_user_meta( (bp_displayed_user_id()), $key, $single );
    echo '’ . $user_last . ”;



    The code above is not quite correct, I’ll try to add it again without the php statement:
    `$key = ‘description’;
    $single = true;
    $user_last = get_user_meta( (bp_displayed_user_id()), $key, $single );
    echo ” . $user_last . ”; `



    Still not right, although I format the code as code, it does not quite post correctly.
    See here for the correct code:

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