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Adding blog tab on WP/BP install

  • @devinday


    Hey Everyone,

    Loving version 1.2 of BP. I have set up a demo I am working at at and I made the activity the home page, but I also would like to have a tab that is for blog. Then when clicked members can read all the blog posts on the site, as well as all the other group, forum, etc, features.

    In the demp of BP I noticed they have it set up like I want mine. The tab on the demo is called news and only has the default hello world post. For the life of me I can’t figure this out.

    Any ideas/solutions?

    I would really love it if the I could add a tab for the blog and it would show a list of all the blog posts (similar to a gallery view). Is this possible?

    I hope I made sense.



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  • @andrea_r


    The blog tab shows the blog posts from the main site, not from everyone. And only if you;re using MU, not single WP.

    You can aggregate all the blog posts into one using a plugin though.



    Hi Andrea, thanks for the reply. Are you saying there is no way show the blog as a tab in the single WP if you have homepage set to activity feed?




    No…. if you’re on single WordPress there is only one blog.

    When someone updates, that is a blog post, not a “blog”. (misused terminology there)

    And yes, you can have a tab that says “blog”. the tabs are just html/css really. they show different Pages created from the backend.



    Hi Andrea,

    Thanks for stickin with my questions here :)

    I do understand that single wordpress only has one blog. What I don’t understand is how to display that one blog to users.

    on my buddypress (single wordpress) install I have the homepage showing the activity feed rather than the it showing the latest wordpress post. When I have this the blog seems to disappear entirely.

    Can you tell me how I would create a tab (called blog) that would show all the blog posts instead of showing just a page I titled blog. I am a little lost on how to get the single blog showing up for users to easily find in the navigation.

    I hope I made sense. Thanks Andrea.

    BTW – Love your blog on WPMU – you have a lot of great tutorials and info. Great stuff.





    Ray – Thank you!

    After seeing your post I had the biggest DUH light bulb go off.

    Andrea and Ray thank you for the help!!




    Oh no! Just the answer I was looking for and the link is broken!!!

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