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Adding Groups In Codeless “Specular” theme not working

  • @bchase2


    Using the most recent WP and BuddyPress versions (8/15/2016). Site is currently under construction and unavailable on the frontend.

    I am using the theme “Specular” by Codeless. I’ve installed the BuddyPress and bbPress plugins. Both appear to have functionality within the theme, however there is a problem with adding “groups” using BuddyPress within this theme. On the admin WP dashboard I can go to Groups-> and get the bp-groups admin page showing no current groups created. At the top, when I hit the “Add New” I am taken to a blank page that is customized as the rest of the site is with the header and footer showing, however the body of the page is blank.
    If I deactivate the Specular theme, then activate the Twenty-Fifteen WP theme and go through the same steps, I am take to a page that starts the process of adding group details and steps through the process. This is not present when the Specular theme is active.
    I can then re-activate the Specular theme and go to the Groups -> admin page and the group created while using the Twenty Fifteen theme is present, and I can edit in while in the WP admin area, however it only shows up on the “Forum” page of the Specular theme site.

    The Specular Theme support feels this is a BuddyPress issue. I’m not sure who can help, but appreciate any suggestions.


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  • @sharmavishal


    its a Specular theme issue…tell them its working with default wp theme and not their theme




    sorry, but we can’t assist you for premium theme, as we have no access to his code.

    For the BP part, ensure that a group page exist in BP settings > pages. This page must be unique and without any template model or other settings.
    Ensure also you activated permalinks (whatever but default).
    And test with a Twenty theme as first.
    Once ok, go to front-end Groups Directory and try to add a group from there.



    I appreciate your assistance. The developer says the time it would take to evaluate BP with his theme is outside of his support services, so I’m on my own there. Unfortunately, I really like the theme and so want to try and find a work around if possible.

    I am learning as I go with this. I do know how to handle basic modification to .php files and current templates. Is there a way to create a page for groups that is outside the theme settings? I believe this is where the problem lies, with the Specular Theme default page template. I just don’t know how to modify a single page or subsequent pages to remove the template model just for this page. If I activate any of the basic WP themes, BP works fine in all respects within that theme, but reactivating the Specular theme seems to disable the groups page functionality whether I create it in the WP basic theme or from within the Specular Theme.

    If it matters, I have the bbPress plug in also installed and it’s “forum” features work fine within the Specular theme using a shortcode on the “Forum” pages. Is there a similar BP Group page shortcode I might be able to install in the same fashion?




    It sounds like Specular has some built-in BuddyPress support, which is either incomplete or wrongly added.

    See if there is a buddypress folder in the Specular theme folder. If this folder exists, rename it to buddypress-backup temporarily and see if the group creation page works again.

    If there isn’t a buddypress folder, there is probably a code snippet in Specular’s functions.php that is interfering with the group creation screen.



    No BP folder in the Specular theme. Not sure what to do with rest of your comment. Is there someplace particular in the functions.php file I need to look at to determine if there is a conflict with a group page creation?




    check the whole functions.php if it mentions group/groups….would suggest u shift to a theme which actually supports bp

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