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Adding Members Name to their profile page meta title

  • @dr_scythe


    Wordpress 3.5.1
    BP 1.6.5
    Mingle Theme

    I want to change the meta title/description used for members profile pages to include their username the same way the slug does.

    Currently all member profile pages have the same page title “Members”
    I’d like to change page titles for profile pages to be “‘membername’ – ‘sitename'”

    So far I’ve been completely unable to find where this value is set within either buddypress or my themes files.

    Anyone know?

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  • @dr_scythe


    Still need to come up with a way to change this meta data for profiles



    Not really clear what you’re trying to change, the head title tag, the members account screens bp_is_user, or members directory page title. As standard BP displays the users name on their user account screens or when you visit another users account, if your site isn’t then that’s a theme issue to ask of the authors.

    You could use the below to get names, then what you do with that… :


    $bp->loggedin_user->userdata->user_nicename / display_name

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