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Adding Sidebar To All Dynamic Member Pages

  • @nickyb713


    I currently have the standard BP install on my site using the Avada theme. Everything works great except that I cannot figure out how to get the sidebar on the dynamic pages /members/name/profile, members/name/notifications etc.

    I do have the sidebar enabled for the page members, and it does show up on But not on any of the other pages. I tried enabling site-wide sidebars, but still nothing which leads me to believe the sidebar is not being called in the template.

    The problem is I don’t know which file is being used as a template for those pages, and I’m not exactly sure how to call the sidebar. I could try duplicating the sidebar code from my single.php file, but I still do not know where it needs to go.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  • @danbp


    Guess you have to read Avada’s help support.

    Avada Documentation

    By default, BuddyPress use theme’s page.php
    Try to assign a sidebar to page.php via Avada customizer.

    Or if you prefer to code your own template, WP function is get_sidebar(); See how to use it in page.php in Twenty Thirteen



    @danbp That’s the thing it’s already in the page template from what I can tell, which is why I don’t understand why it’s not working. Everything looks like it should work as long as I have the sidebar enabled on the page and I do.

    There are certain pages on the site that cannot have a sidebar. I just don’t understand what’s causing the sidebar to work on domain/members and not domain/members/name/profile.

    Should these dynamic child pages all be the same as the parent?



    We can’t answer to this as we have no free access to a premium theme like Avada. Sorry !
    You have to ask on your theme support.

    Should these dynamic child pages all be the same as the parent?
    Yes ! Even if these are not child pages, but simple template parts



    Okay, I’ll try mucking around a bit more. Worse comes to worse i’ll add a conditional to call it for that particular page. Thanks for the suggestions though.

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