Hi @bojan85,
add this code to your functions.php file
function bp_admin_is_my_profile( $my_profile ){
global $bp;
if( ( $bp->current_component == BP_MESSAGES_SLUG )
&& current_user_can(‘manage_options’) ) return true;
else return $my_profile;
add_filter(‘bp_is_my_profile’, ‘bp_admin_is_my_profile’, 1);
but i think is not good idea to read the messages of members , try to use anti spam plugins.
Hi @meg thanks for the code!! So i assume that this will attach the admin to every private message sent on the site. So the admin would receive a copy of the message sent between members. I’m I correct?
Cheers, Bojan
No, you can access to the message pages of each profil
just add /messages to the url of the member, like that :
It doesnt work… I can access the page, but it never shows the messages.
Hi @meginfo,
I tried adding that to my functions.php but it doesn’t show the messages. I am also using activity stream privacy but here is my situation:
I was wondering if there was a way to set the privacy level to allow mentions to be seen only by the people involved in the conversation and the admin.
For example, while testing the plug-in I set the privacy level to “admin only” and as the admin I sent a message to a subscriber level member.
However, the person gets a notification they were mentioned, but can’t see the message itself.
Is it possible there is a setting or way to have it so only the people mentioned and the admin see the message?
So if member1 mentions member2 I require both members AND the admin to be able to see that message, but no one else, whether it be from activity stream or private messages.
Thanks very much for your time and help,