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Advice re: managing a growing BP community

  • @balmainboy


    Hi everyone,

    The organisation I work for is looking to trial Buddypress however we would ideally like to chat to one or two others regarding your experiences using BP and managing the ongoing admin on the backend before we jump in.

    We’re not asking for anyone to release anything private or confidential but some general feedback will be of great help. We’d like to make sure we have the right systems in place from the get-go and we’re not caught off-guard by unforeseen issues

    Things like managing increasing numbers of users, groups, comments, handling any abusive users etc.

    If anyone is willing to discuss their experiences with me please reply and we can take it from there.


    WP 4.5.2
    Kleo Theme

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  • @leefalcas


    Personally I’m using bbpress 6 months ago, is a project of a client and so far I’m sincerely sorry to use it, if you want to control your development and not depend on anyone, I do not recommend using this. Yesterday I made an upgrade bbpress and what I had was a headache. Problems that can not be given when a site is in production. It is my humble opinion.



    managing users, groups, comments, handling any abusive users etc.

    buddypress has a wonderful admin backend and the above can be handled properly…and there are a bunch of plugins which you can use for backend admin

    using buddypress+bbpress for 2 multisite websites and works great

    would suggest you do a test drive and see what you get form buddypress



    Hi Sharmavishal,

    Thanks for your reply.

    Can I ask how many users you have on your sites? Hundreds? Thousands? Looking through the backend it looks fine, but if there’s suddenly high volume of traffic i’m not so sure how easy it will be to manage that much activity.

    Also you mention plugins, however when I look through the WP directory there’s a number of plugins but many either haven’t been updated for a while or have few installs. Which doesn’t fill me with much confidence. Do you have any you can recommend?


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