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[Resolved] After Deleting User/Group Admin, No Groups Left – Only Forums

  • @surachar


    WP 3.9.1
    BP 2.0.1
    bbPress 2.5.4-5380

    Hello Dears,

    I would appreciate your kind assistance with this problem: I was having a security problem with someone having hijacked my admin user account, so I created a new admin account and deleted my old account, assigning ‘all posts’ to the new account. Unfortunately, I did not realize this would delete all the groups I had created(!) The group forums associated with these groups still remain. Will you please suggest the best way to recover the groups? Do I need to create new ones, but then how would I associate these with the respective forums? Argh. I would rather not do a site restore, as had just done this before backing up and don’t want to lose my other work since the last backup. Please help.



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  • @surachar


    Hi Again,

    I solved this by recreating each group using the info in the group forums listing, and by choosing not to create a forum for the group. After creating the new group, I went to Groups in the admin panel, selected the new group for editing, checked the ‘I want a forum for this group’ box, and chose my already existing forum group and associated it with the ‘new’ group. Glad I didn’t have a lot of groups(!) Also necessary, is to re-invite your members to re-join the groups. It seems all this could have been avoided by having more users than just myself as admins for the groups. Live and learn. I hope this helps someone, and if this isn’t in the documentation, I sincerely hope you will add it, along with a warning when someone is about to delete a user who is the creator and only admin of a group. Would be nice if you could be prompted to reassign the groups to another user, as is offered with posts.


    Kind Regards,


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