Some further Infos: in my other install ( subdirectories) exactly the same… 
Strange: some don’t Show content & activity at all but some Show just a few items from a long time ago ( like 9+ months). But there would Be alot more content in the months between!
Are you running the backwards compatibility plugin?
No, do I have to do that? I thought this would be just, if I still want old features like wire etc…
Just installed it. But it didn’t do anything. Still no content shown… 
Any more help, suggestions?
Anyone else having that (I think I cannot be the only one, since it is on two totally different installations)?
Please… I went live with the update without knowing that could happen. Could someone point me in the right direction?!
I can’t seem to reproduce this, maybe try disabling all the plugins except the essential ones to see if there is a conflict?
I installed 1.2.1., I deactivated every Plugin and every Mu-Plugin – still the same “emptiness” in those groups. I did the same in the other install (the second one, that has that problem – it’s a subdomain-install) and there the problem is also still there… 
You stil have access to my install – you can use it and check it – maybe it helps you debug, like the last bug…
Is anyone else having this problem? I’ve not seen any other reports which makes me think it might be your theme, or something wrong with your DB.
Theme – same with Bp default
DB – hmm, two different installs, with different DBs on two different servers… sounds strange, but could be.
Anyone else…? PLEASE CHECK your hidden and private groups which had content prior to 1.2… I think it is easy to oversee… but would narrow the stuff down, if everybody else confirms it really is fine on there install. So please post, if it’s REALLY (checked) fine with you…
I’m going to flag this for later reading.
I’ll try to reproduce the problem when I have some time.
Sounds great ray – would very much appreciate that (if it helps, I could also give you access)
I checked the DB and the “lost” content in private and hidden groups is still in there. At least that is good! 
The question is: Why doesn’t it show anymore???
Ps: ray doesn’t have the time right now to check (told me on PM)
Can please somebody, who upgraded, check their private/hidden groups for pld (pre-1.2) content?!
Still no updates/suggestions on this???
Hi Michael,
which content you are talking about which is missing ? Activity-content or Forum-content ?
Hi Erich,
i don’t think it has something to do with that Ticket…
In my Case ALL the old group-activity does not show anymore… ( i had at last Forums disabled)
The Strange thing to me is, that I seem to be the only one experiencing this, although it happens on two total different setups. They only have in common, that both were setup in the very early stages of BP…
I had the exact same problem, forums that were ‘private’ before the update were unaccessible when I click “forums” or “group/forums”.
Am now restoring a backup, not going to update yet…