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AJAX refresh of activity loop

  • @lph2005


    Future versions are set for ajax refresh but maybe this could be done in a child theme now rather than later. A “live, real-time” activity stream seems much more attractive.

    Would it be possible to modify the /activity/index.php page to reload the activity loop any time new activity is written to the database?

    Playing around with this code provides a refresh of the page:

    But better code would be for refresh on the activity database change. There is a plugin that places a message when new activity is available – instead – maybe this plugin could be modified so that the activity loop is reloaded instead of showing a message.

    Maybe someone would like to take up this challenge :)


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  • @lph2005


    After tinkering more on a local XAMPP install, adding the code and tag `

    ` leads to weird behavior. Several different places were tried but the reload usually ended up not showing past activity.



    Could slow down your site if you do live updating for every member.



    @modemlooper “Could slow down your site if you do live updating for every member.” — Yes. this would depend on the implementation. For example, if the BuddyPress Activity Stream Ajax Notifier was reworked to refresh the page rather than notify then the activity stream would “feel as a real-time” activity.

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