Have you attempted to follow the template guide in the BP Codex, this will walk you through the process of adjusting your bp template files to match your themes markup structure. ou don’t need to be an expert but do need basic understanding and ability to recognize /read markup to be abale to copy to your files.
Hi Hugo, first thanks for reply
There are already two days that I try to follow the BP codex
but I can not repair
I’m trying to learn, and if you could give me some tips to follow I would be grateful
What on that link you provided is actually wrong? You will need to say what you see as an issue as that page looks fine, however there are two issues that must be addressed on that page.
1. You have two instances of the same iD ‘content’ An ID is unique there may only be one per document so what I guess is the BP element needs to have it’s one removed or changed to a class or another ID name if that affects styles then in the rulesets the instance of that ID will need to be located and changed as well.
2. Get rid of what ever contact form plugin is adding the style tag directly as a child of body for one that knows how to form valid document structure try the SI-Contact form from Mike Challis.
I tried to follow the whole procedure
now I get this error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘<' in /membri/miproduco/wp-content/themes/u-design/header-buddypress.php on line 199
link page: http://miproduco.altervista.org/activity/
where am I wrong?
can you give me some advice?
thank you very much and I apologize for the inconvenience
this is the 199 line:
?php $content_position = ( $udesign_options[‘pages_sidebar’] == ‘left’ ) ? ‘grid_16 push_8’ : ‘grid_16’; ?
I removed start and end
@arredoannunci ‘closed’ ? What the thread ? Have you resolved the issue(s) then? It’s a little unclear 
No, I have not solved the problem
I tried them all, I also followed the steps several times
and the result: wrong page (as stated above)
Now I uninstalled BuddyPress
I can also reinstall (but do not know how to solve the last error)
It looks as though you need to move the div #content and all it’s child elements into the one above ‘content_24’ which looks to be the main container that holds your grid rules for content.
Hello Hugo, you are very helpful to people like me who want to learn,
could you tell me how to do?
I followed the procedure twice for my template (http://bpsocialnetwork.wordpress.com/2013/01/22/u-design-theme-themeforest/)
but both times I have always the same error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘<' in / members / miproduco / wp-content / themes / u-design / header-buddypress.php on line 199
Now as you can see I reinstalled everything (without modification) but not good
please help me
around that line possibly before is a stray ‘<‘ angle bracket, it’s occurring within code that is being parsed as php otherwise it would simply be considered cdata and rendered to the screen you’ll need to look carefully at the php tags look for something like < ;?>; failing that you’ll have to paste that file to pastebin.
this is the header-buddypress
take a look on line 199 (where is the error)
is the line that I always error
thank you very much
Straight away it’s clear! two lines above no closing php tags after the endif;
Hugo’re a legend!
you may give it to me right?
I would finally very happy!
Compare other sections of the file, you ought to be able to see what needs adding, it’s a very simple ‘?>’ after the endif;
thanks, thanks, thanks,
You have been very kind, patient and helpful
10 + for Hugo
topic really closed