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All Members showing age of 44 years old

  • @bonnsaikitty


    Hello everybody,

    I think this might come from the Buddypress, because I’m using it for my website. All the members appear to have 44 years old despite the differences on their birth year.

    Does anyone else have same problem with me ?

    Cheers !

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  • @djpaul


    Sounds like an interesting problem. Do regular blog posts publish and display their dates correctly? Have you had problems with scheduled blog posts on this site?

    Just initially trying to figure out if all the dates on your site are off by 44 years, or if it’s all BuddyPress dates, or just some dates in some specific part of BuddyPress. Thanks for your help.

    EDIT: how are you displaying ages? Can you share the code?





    Actually, whoever is logged in is the default age, and when logged out, everyone is age 0 in the member directory. When logged out each user’s profile page shows their proper age.


    what have I to change for getting displayed the indiviual age of each member?



    @1a-spielwiese That sounds like a similar but different problem though, isn’t it? Especially as you’re using custom code. I want to keep this thread on track for @bonnsaikitty.




    It’s difficault for me to determine, whether theses issues are only similar symptoms or rather have the same – or at least similar – causes as well.



    @djpaul Hi, thank you for your respond.

    My website is a dating site, and we are using Buddypress. I don’t have problem with dates and blog release date. We are using a theme bought in Theme Forest for this, and even them, they do not really understand how come all our members have same age of 44.



    @djpaul I have also upraded Buddypress to the version 2.1.1 But I don’t see any changes for the age of members (still 44 years old for all).




    EDIT: how are you displaying ages? Can you share the code?

    Paul asked you a question, it’s vital that you respond to these as it’s impossible to help people on threads without detailed info; also it’s important to understand that BuddyPress does not do any birthday calculations from that birthdate profile field so you must have something else at work, hence the question.




    Ah, forgot to reply this one.

    For the code, I don’t know, we use a theme for this.

    So, conclusion : I don’t know where’s the source of the age calculation. I just thought Buddypress does it automatically. Correct me if I’m wrong.




    Well if you think it’s the theme try asking the theme authors how they are doing this, if they reply ‘we aren’t’ then you know it’s not the theme! or conversely try swapping themes and see if that dob field stops working.

    What plugins that are listed as BP ones do you have running?, list them as there are ones that extend the profile field selectors such as this:

    ‘Buddypress Xprofile Custom Fields Type’

    which also will display the date picker as a age calculation if selected.

    At the end of the day if you want help it’s going to be important for you to understand how your installation is working so you can impart information as it’s required, especially where the issues are not strictly core BP ones.




    I did try to ask the theme maker, they keep telling all of us to wait for the Buddypress update.

    I don’t think they really know what’s going wrong also.

    That’s why I opt for this forum directly, but who knows either that this problem does not come from Buddypress. That’s why I “asked” ^______^

    About your questions, will come back to you soon. Thanks !

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