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All pages are blank

  • @worldschool


    I have WordPress version 4.8.1
    I have BuddyPress version 2.9.0
    I’m using Specular theme (bundled)
    I have “pretty permalinks” active

    I am VERY new to building a webpage and understanding the programming behind it. I installed and activated BuddyPress today. I have Groups and was able to create a few groups and add avatars, etc. But when I go to the “register” and “activate” and “activity” pages, even the group page, they are all blank. I do not see what I’m supposed to do to further the install.

    I read advice to delete the pages, empty trash, then “add page” with the same name and reassign the page on the settings. I tried that, nothing changed. I was told to increase memory, went to hostgator to the file settings, but the page was not responding and I could not get into the disk space usage link, but it indicated that there was “unlimited bandwidth and storage” within reason and if you exceeded it, you’d receive an email, so I don’t think that’s it.

    I’m NEW. I don’t follow the code talk very well. I like step by step. I read about creating a child theme, but can’t figure out how/where to start that process and honestly not sure I should/need to.

    The page is still under construction, but it is

    Where do I start finding the underlying coding and why are the pages blank?

    Thank you so much!!!! Shannon

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