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All users are showing up as administrators and participants

  • @jseanm69


    All of my group members are showing up as administrators and participants. I can see nothing in their user profile that shows that they should have that authority. The problem is everyone’s emails are now visible. Even when I try to remove them as administrators they do not go away. I am looking at the database. Where is this info stored and what would cause them to be marked as an admin? In the WP_users table I see them marked as bbp_participant. BTW I have 3325 now sitting as admins on both my groups.

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  • @jseanm69


    If I change their role from participant to subscriber they fall off the admin portion of the group. Pretty cumbersome but it works. It doesn’t solve my issue though of everyone being able to see the users email.



    The wp_usermeta table will show a wp_user_level which is documented
    You can check these fields to see if what you are seeing in the front end matches the backend.

    If you are unable to change this through the front end it implies a plugin or some custom code is overriding, have you tried disabling all other plugins and re-enabling one by one to see which causes the problem.



    Woops that is the old deprecated method, is the correct one. Table name wp_capabilities although they should still match each other.



    Thank you @iamthewebb – your help is really appreciated.



    I don’t have a wp_capabilities table, but I do show capabilities on the user_meta table. The users look good – a:2:{s:10:”subscriber”;b:1;s:15:”bbp_participant”;b:1;}

    But they still show up as an admin and as a subscriber in the group. Any ideas?

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