I think those blog avatars should be removed permanently. Really unnecessary from a UI / UX stand point. It’s just clutter.
@r-a-y Thanks for the code-bit, it’s live on our site and looking good. I agree that if the secondary blog avatar can’t even be changed then it should be dropped entirely.
the code doesn’t work for me
they’re displayed on top of the page as an error, but the secondary avatars are still there in the activity stream.
Then you have done something wrong and need to review the code – missing php tags or something?
Without any actual detail it’s difficult for us to provide you with any help, maybe a link to the site or some description of exactly what you put where.
@auphoria – Review how to create a functions.php file in your theme’s folder:
Then add the code snippet in between the PHP tags.
oh psh I forgot to put the php tags -_- that was dumb. Thanks so much!!!
Is there an update for this fix? 1.2.7 broke this solution on our site and I can’t find an alternative so far.
Really, it’s extremely annoying that BuddyPress keeps making changes to the themes in minor updates. Every update (1.2.7 also saw us gain an unwanted admin bar menu item with links to the WordPress backend) sees us having to chase down the little changes they made which break our layout.
@alcoon – we’ve raised this concern before, unfortunately it seems to fall on deaf ears.