I was frustrated that the “users blogs” did not match the main theme
and am surprised that there is not a matching “user blog” theme in the package.
What I did was create a child them based on the default buddypress theme
and then changed the code in the header.php file so that the correct title of the user blog shows instead of the title of the main blog.
you have to make sure you don’t use buddypress widgets, they will not work.
There may be a better way to do it but that seemed to work for me.
The child theme thing is great when you get the hang of it.
The user blogs are handled by MU though, not buddypress.
It’s easy enough to strip out what you don’t need from a copy of the theme, or as suggested above, use a child theme for the blogs area.
Also, you need to either move the folders to the default theme folder, so it gets correctly applied, or use a plugin to control this (I like new blog defaults).
Great thread, if I could add, I’d really like to see the themes section of buddypress built out (https://buddypress.org/extend/themes/). I appreciate and agree that it is hardly a priority but have there really only been 2 themes created in the past year??
There are more free buddypress themes at http://freebpthemes.com.
The list at https://buddypress.org/extend/themes/ should have more on it in the next couple weeks. Once updated that list will include https://wordpress.org/extend/themes/tags/buddypress.
Can you explain a bit more on the process of making a child theme? I too would love to have the member blogs have an integrated look and feel into the default buddypress theme – NOT the ugly WordPressMU blue theme :p.
@ Seobrien: I’m working on more then 10 themes at the same time right now, trying to bring out my first on 20 Dec. Guess most people are still finding out how buddypress hangs together rather than already making themes.
@ dwpers: Very easily, just overwrite the files you want differently and paste that in bp-default. For example, if you want to change the header, copy header.php to bp-default (out of bp-sn-parent) and the new header.php (in your bp-default) will overwrite the bp-sn-parent file. Kubricks is btw a very nice theme, it’s just overused.