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Any way to make a ’Height’ profile field in Feet and Inches?

  • @rossagrant


    I might be missing something here but is there anyway I can create a ‘height’ profile field with 2 drop downs, one that a user can select their height in feet then one in inches?

    I don’t want to have merely a text field they can type in as this will lead to inconsistencies. I need to have 2 select dropdowns for one field combined?
    Any idea?
    Thanks :)

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  • @rogercoathup



    It’s not possible with the current profile implementation to have structured fields made up of several component parts (they’d be useful though!).

    As a workaround – you could group them together in their own profile group – and then it would require some rework of the edit / view profile templates to present the profile as you want it.



    Actually, you wouldn’t have to change the way data is stored – you could still store height in inches only. But you would need to customize the template markup, so that when the Height field is displayed, the value from the database would have to be transformed into feet/inches with a little bit of math. You’d also have to do some transformations at the time that the items are saved so that the feet/inches is turned into inches before being saved. The hooks are there, you just need to do a bit of work to make it happen.

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