I got rid of the first names of the members; yet, their first names are still showing instead of the user login name. How can I only show the usernames?
Luckily for you, I just created a plugin for such a thing!
Please follow the plugin instructions.
R-A-Y you are brilliant. With regards to seeing the users full name on the site, you mention the profile loop.
What exactly is that and where will it show up? Also will this be in 1.2.4 for sure?
Thanks so much for this. If it works, they’ll be a donation coming your way for sure.
So excited to try this out. Thank you RAY!
@rossagrant – Not certain that these core hacks will be in for v1.2.4, but I’ll see if I can sway the dev team 
Re: profile loop – http://testbp.org/members/andy/profile/ – it’s the part right underneath the profile tab.
I just noticed a small bug and just put out v0.51. If you can’t wait for WordPress’ plugin repository to update, you can manually download the files here:
Nice one r-a-y you persuade them buddy! This is so essential. So even if users change their names, only their username will be displayed site wide? (Except in their profile)
That’s correct. Read the FAQ:
I believe I’ve answered most of the questions, but let me know if anything isn’t clear.
Sorry about all the questions r-a-y, I should read more! Will let you know how I get on and give them dev boys a nudge to get this in. People will love it!