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Are there any BuddyPress plugins that can do these things?

  • @blinkybill01



    Just wanted to find out if there are any plugins that do any of the following (as searches just aren’t doing anything for me at the moment):

    Widget to display newest members
    Widget to rate members, that also shows top rated members
    Widget that shows most popular groups and most recent comments for that group
    Plugin that disallows group creation in Root but rather in specific categories (without having to actually make a group for that category; without use of Heirarchy plugin)
    Plugin that only shows categories on Groups page and doesn’t show groups unless they have clicked a specific category

    I’ve found a few plugins but most haven’t been updated in over a year and has a “Warning: This plugin has not been tested with the latest version of BuddyPress” message.

    Any help would be appreciated. :)

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