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are there potential issues with completely dequeuing legacy CSS?

  • @gyrus


    We want to gain full control of styling, so we’re looking at dequeuing bp-legacy-css and starting styling of BP elements from scratch, integrated with our custom theme styles.

    Dequeuing itself is easy enough, but there’s a thread here which (1) contains a warning that completely ditching BP styles may break the site’s BP elements, but which (2) gets derailed into a conversation about whether to dequeue the minified version or not, and doesn’t really clarify the warning about breakage.

    What might break if we start styling from scratch? Is there not a system whereby ‘core’ CSS can be kept, but we can dequeue all CSS which won’t break anything if it’s missing?

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  • @henrywright


    Hi @gyrus

    You can de-queue BuddyPress styles like @r-a-y suggested in that thread (see #202777). This won’t break anything functionality wise although, of course, it will change your theme’s look and feel because all of the styling information will be gone.



    Thanks. I was wary because @danbp suggested otherwise: ‘Yes i understand (i’m also using a bootstrap theme), you can do like you want. But don’t claim after that that BP doesn’t work correctly.’ You’re saying that ‘doesn’t work correctly’ means ‘won’t be styled correctly’? There seems to be a confusion between functionality and presentation here.



    If you change the template markup things could break because the BP JavaScript relies on various classes. However, changing or removing a CSS file will change the look and feel only.



    Thanks @henrywright. I’m discovering a few bits that are ‘utility’ styles that I’m copying over (e.g. screen reader text class). It’d be really useful if things like this were in a separate ‘core’ include for people who want to strip back to a minimum. Anyway, I’m ploughing ahead, I’ll keep an eye on the markup.



    The screen-reader-text accessibility class is something that all themes should have I agree. You’ll likely find some RTL styles that are worth keeping also.

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