Are you supposed to get email notifications for REPLIES to COMMENTS on WP side?
Comment notification emails are handled by WP, not by BP, so what you’re experiencing is by design. Check out Dashboard > Settings > Discussion, and look for the section that says “E-mail me whenever”.
I’d love to check the site out more to help but it kind of falls under the NSFW classification
What do you have set in ? Do you have “Email me whenever…Anyone posts a comment” checked?
Hi Marina! Love the show!
Unfortunately a reply to a comment is also considered to a comment, so they’d both get sent to your email. Disabling nested comments would discourage comment replies, but this is likely the opposite of what you want. Sorry!
Boone, that answers my question I believe.. BuddyPress will NOT email you if someone posts a comment reply on the WORDPRESS side.
Then why is the option on BuddyPress called “A member replies to an update or <b>comment</b> you’ve posted”?
Are the “comments” in BuddyPress somewhere? Are those posts in the Forum considered “comments”?
Thanks Boone!
D Cartwright, how is my show considered NSFW? I have over 300 million views on YouTube and they wouldn’t allow my show if it was not safe for work!
Thanks glamgrif! As Boone said above, I think the WordPress side comments don’t get email notifications from BuddyPress.. or is that not correct?
What Boone said.
Blog-related stuff is handled by WordPress.
Activity replies are handled internally by BuddyPress.
I would recommend what glamgrif mentioned and that is to disable the activity stream for blog comments and forum posts because the activity stream and blog comments / forum posts are independent from one another.
You could try replacing blog comments with the activity stream:
For forum replies, you could use a BuddyPress plugin:
Just to clarify what @r-a-y said: “Activity replies” are handled by BuddyPress, and are sometimes called “comments”. That’s probably where the confusion is arising. If you think of comments as a blog-only phenomenon, then BP doesn’t do any comment notification at all. You do, however, get BP notifications if someone replies to (or “comments on”) one of your activity items.
Please can we not start arguing about whether said content is NSFW. Remember, different work places have different standards.
Thanks everyone for the responses! Now I have a better understanding of how the different components work together!
In order to keep the stickiness of people coming back to my website when someone replies to a comment of theirs on the WordPress Post side.. I reactivated my Comment Reply Notification plugin for WordPress so now people get notified by the BuddyPress stuff as well as the WordPress Stuff!!
Just as a side note, my website has over 168,000 comments on it and I attribute that to my use of the comment reply notification plugin that I’ve used for the past couple years. Glad to see that BuddyPress has those notifications built in!
I’ll most likely add the Forum Reply Plugin that you mention r-a-y as well. Thanks for the useful post! And thank you all for your help!
Next up.. getting my BBpress skinned to look like my site and getting that darned BuddyBar to work
It was just a tongue-in-cheek comment – I was just a bit surprised when the site had a woman in her underwear on the front page
Me ? I was not surprised, I was GLAD the site had a woman in underwear…
Offtopics aside, I would love to see that bbP customization Marina !
I have no problem with it at all. I was just in work at the time and hence didn’t want to browse the site on my work PC/work internet. That’s all.
Marked as resolved.
If there are any other issues, @hotforwords, change the topic back to “not resolved”.
I never implied U had a problem with that. If my previous post sounded like that, I apologize, as that was not my intention at all.
No problem. Apologies for any misunderstanding
- The topic ‘Are you supposed to get email notifications for REPLIES to COMMENTS on WP side?’ is closed to new replies.
14 years, 10 months ago
I’m running WordPress Stand Alone (not WPMU) with the BuddyPress Plugin
Hi, I get email notifications for everything, signup, private messages, replies to updates.. BUT I don’t get email notifications for replies to COMMENTS on my WordPress Posts. I have WordPress 2.9.2 and the Buddypress Plugin installed and I have every Yes checked in Notifications including :
A member replies to an update or comment you’ve posted is checked yes.
My question is, am I supposed to receive email notifications for COMMENT REPLIES on the WordPress Side? It appears that way, as I am assuming that that is what the option I checked above is.. unless it is referring to comments somewhere else in Buddypress?
I have a plugin installed in the WordPress Side called Comment Reply Notification that DOES give me comment reply emails, but it is a separate plugin and I had it active when I installed BuddyPress, so I am worried that it somehow BROKE BuddyPress and now I can’t get the Comment Replies to work. When I disable that plugin, I receive no email notifications for WordPress Comment Replies. Did that plugin break BuddyPress? If that is the case, how can I fix it?
My site is here;
Thanks so much!
Marina – HotForWords