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Asking me for activation code when trying to log into wordpress

  • @studdlypig


    Hi, I am very new to making websites and only just discovered wordpress. The issue I am having is that when I go my website, then try to access the admin side it ask me to activate my account.

    “Activate your Account

    Please provide a valid activation key.”

    I was able to have my hosting company look into it and they found the only way I could log in was for them to deactivate buddypress. I tried to adjust the settings I though were causing the problem however I guess I did not figure out what it was. Every time I reactivate buddypress I have to contact my host and have them deactivate buddypress in order for me to log in. I was wondering if anyone could help me with this or should I just uninstall and re-install the plug in. And is there something I did that I should avoid doing when I re-install it?

    I am using all the most current versions of WordPress and Buddypress, as I just started the site about a week ago. I am using the Twenty Fifteen theme.

    Thank you for your time

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  • @hnla


    The admin user or primary user that is setup when a wordpress site installed is always able to login directly, and it’s initally only that user that can activate plugins i.e BuddyPress so I’m not sure why you are having trouble with activation requests. /wp-login.php should allow the admin to login regardless of whether BP is activated or not.

    What account are you trying to login with, the admin user ID 1 ?

    In the BP settings screen ‘Page’ tab what page have you associated to ‘Activation’ in the select box, as the redirect here appears to be the main issue and the WP link to login on the WP toolbar should redirect to the wp-login screen, which you can actually access directly by modifying your browser url so you can actually login as admin and manage your site.

    fyi you shouldn’t have to trouble your web hosts to deactivate BP, using a control panel or ftp you can rename the plugins folder which will force a deactivation of the plugin or any plugin if they give trouble.



    Thank you for taking the time to respond. The advice on changing the name in the plugin folder allowed me to get back into the wp-admin log in. After reading what you said about I looked at the ‘Activation’ drop down and it was set to login so I think that is where I went wrong. When I change it to none buddypress informs me ‘The following active BuddyPress Components do not have associated WordPress Pages: Activate. Repair’ what kind of page so I have set for that drop down menu? Do I need an additional plug in or do I just make a new page for it? Any advice would be much appreciated.

    Thank you again!



    >After reading what you said about I looked at the ‘Activation’ drop down and it was set to login so I think that is where I went wrong.

    I suspected it was – that was confusing WP. For the moment set activation simply to a new blank regular wp page named ‘activation’.

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