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auto-refresh “load newest” not working

  • @maxgx


    i’ve been looking for a solution on the forum, went back to 2014, but nothing.

    i’m using BP on WP 4.5.3 with a chhild theme off Destin Basic (contacted the author about the issue too). Auto-refresh is checked on BP’s options page.

    as imath suggested, i’ve used Inspector->Network on Chrome to check for the call to admin-ajax.php : it’s there, albeit not running every 15 seconds as per heartbeat/bp_activity_heartbeat_pulse filter, but even then, no “Load newest” link appears on the activity page.

    anything i can try (years-old plugins aside) or ianything else i should be checking?

    thanks for any assistance!

    what else

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  • @danbp



    tested the theme – Load More is working on all activity pages. Unable to reproduce.

    Deactivate all plugins except BP.
    If you use custom functions (in child or bp-custom), remove them and test again.

    Check also your custom CSS. Sometimes, renaming an element make JS unable to find the load more button.



    hi @danbp, thanks for the reply.
    i’ll see to replicate the setup and uninstall all other plugins as a test.



    @danbp, reading back your comment again, you mention “Load more” working on activity pages, but i’m referring to “Load newest”, which is what you should get on your activity page when a user adds a comment, or when something new is there to show (i suppose).

    i’ll see to carry the test myself nevertheless, but just for pointing out what my exact problem was.



    ok, moved on a clone, disabled all plugins and tested it throughout and i found it out:

    new activity notifications do work ok, what is missing are notifications of comments to activity – actually, it’s not a problem with my setup, it’s really a (very much needed, badly missed, imho) missing feature

    luckily, BP Live Notification does seem to do the job, but it’s yet another addition to the ever growing list of plugins needed for covering up the lack of (quite obvious, always imho) features…

    you could mark this as resolved, i guess (tho it’s not quite, really)

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