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Automatic integration problem of the desitnaitaire to write a message

  • @moncolis


    Hello, I have a problem with my buddypress for sending message between two members. When I click on “Write a message” I switch to the parge to write a message but in the location “Send @UserName” the name of the recipient does not start automatically. It must be written manually. This poses me a problem.

    I wish that the recipient of the message is automatically put, that we do not have to write it each time.

    Thanks for your help.

    Bonjour, j’ai un probleme avec mon buddypress pour l’envoi de message entre deux membres. Lorsque je clique sur “Rédiger un message” je bascule sur la parge afin d’ecrire un message mais dans l’emplacement “Envoyer @NomUtilisateur” le nom du destinataire ne se met pas automatiquement. Il faut l’ecrire manuellement. Cela me pose un probleme.

    Je souhaiterai que le destinataire du message se mette automatiquement, que l’on ne soit pas obligé de l’écrire à chaque fois.

    Merci pour votre aide.

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  • @venutius


    Hi there, if you miss the @ off the start of the name it will autofill for you



    Thank you for your answer. But where I can find the option to miss the @ off please?



    Can I confirm which BP Template you are using? is it BP Nouveau?



    Buddypress Version 4.1.0



    Oups no, I am making the update it’s now Version 4.2.0



    If you look in Settings>>BuddyPress>>Options you can see which template is configured, it’s either Legacy or Nouveau.



    ok, yes it’s Buddypress nouveau



    That’s interesting, with the LEgacy theme you have to enter the name without the @ but with Nouveau you have to enter the @ for the autocomplete to work. But either way on my test system both autocompletes work.

    If you right click on the page, select Inspect Element and choose Console are you seeing any JavaScript errors?



    Yes I have 2 errors. But Iam not a proffesional, Im scaring to crash all the site.

    First should I use the Buddypress legacy if it’s resolve my problem?

    What’s the differece between Legacy and Nouveau ? It very important if I change the template ?



    The first question is if you have overloaded any template files? These would be located in themes/your-child-theme/buddypress

    If you have files in directories in there then switching the BP Theme could cause errors.

    If not then it’s worth switching to Legacy just to see if it works. However that’s not really solving the issue and if you are getting JS errors the same errors could stop the Legacy theme from working too.

    Nouveau is the latest BP Theme ans it came with extra customisation options in Customizer but if you have not used these then there’s very little difference between the two theme views.

    Might be worth letting me know what those error are so I can advise further. The other option would be to deactivate all of your other plugins and see if that fixes the problem but it’s a bit longwinded if you have some errors – better to address those first.




    How are you? So I change the template today. I choose Legacy. Now the autofill working 🙂

    I find the legacy template less beautiful, but it’s not mind, We can not have everything lol

    A great thank you for your help, REALLY REALLY thank you very much.

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