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Avatar crop doesn´t show up (even with the Update 1.2.6)

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  • Groups or members avatar cropping? What plugins do you have running? Do you know how to check your web browser for any javascript errors?



    Group AND Member avatar Cropping! I have tried different browsers -> all the same. Avatar Upload works but then I don´t see the Avatar Crop Plugin. But I can press crop and it works. But that makes no sense I have to see what I crop. I use WordPress 3.0.1 and have following Plugins running:
    BP Xtra Signup

    Deactivating don´t help. Why fails the new fix?

    If I look into the sourcecode I see that the Plugin loads but if I go with the cursor (with firebug) over the pictureadress firebug should give a preview but it don´t. 777CMOD is done. Hm…



    @Paul is there a way to fix this. The Update Fix changed nothing on my Avatar problem. That´s the only thing I have to fix for my BP… Searched already days for a solution…

    @Frosty8o It sounds like you have a problem specific to your install, I can upload and crop without issue on a Modded 1.2.6 / 3.0.1 and with quite a few plugins running.

    As Paul has asked check that there are no JS errors reported.

    Also clarify “avatar upload works” you can upload an image and see it sitting there on screen awaiting cropping and/or saving?



    I can´t see any JS error hm… I can Upload a avatar and the it looks like this ->

    When i press crop, the Avatar is in the profile but the wrong part of the pic, because I can´t crop you know…

    Not sure what that SC represents, but if that is your upload view then clearly you’re not running the default theme? if that is actually the image, not sure what to suggest.

    Are you running a custom theme or default theme? if a custom one have you tried running bp-default and seeing if the issue still occurs.



    It´s the default theme but with other colours and german language pack. And you see there is no pic to see. Don´t know what to do…



    it´s the default theme!

    looks like a child theme to me, is it yours? in other words are you responsible for the customisations, in which case you know that nothing vital has been altered or left out.

    What portion / section of the uploaded image is saved given that you say you haven’t got the crop window whay area does get saved.

    This has to almost certainly be a JS issue, with JS disabled the whole mechanism handles pretty badly, and really needs flagging as something to look at one day.



    Here is a pic that shows the situation with firebug and where the crop should show->

    And JS and JCrop is called in the header too:…/Buddypress/wp-includes/js/jcrop/jquery.Jcrop.js?ver=0.9.8 and …/Buddypress/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js?ver=1.4.2

    Just because you see the script calls in the header doesn’t mean there isn’t a conflict happening somewhere, so that possible issue is not ruled out!

    I would love to see that page in it’s default state without the custom styling, just to confirm that your styles are not managing to mask the image in some way, but from here it’s not possible for me to view things working live.



    Ok, I´ll try now with the standard style, is there a way to reset the style?

    reset? what exactly do you mean? I trust you’re not going to tell us you edited the default styles directly are you? if you did, then rename your adjusted files to default-custom.css and copy a fresh set of default files in from a new download, then you can remove them afterwards and revert back to your custom files.

    Later you will want to create a child theme so reverting can be done by changing themes in the backend.



    So I have tried the default theme (uploaded completely fresh) and that doesn´t work either! The Avatar doesn´t show to crop. What could it be…



    Interesting : When i hover the cursor over the path of the picture (code in firebag) there is no preview available. Normally I can see a preview. See ->

    But after cropping it´s in… does this help?



    I have the solution it was the register globals in the php.ini of the server!



    LOL so now the Memberavatar upload/crop works but the crop for the Groupavatars still don´t work. Same Problem hmm…



    I created a new group and now the cropping works fine!

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