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Avatar Problems

  • @famous


    When someone creates a new profile it seems to work fine, however when using the command Change Avatar it uploads the avatar goes through the motions and then doesn’t show it.

    Also, what should we do for older profiles that no longer show the avatars that users uploaded. Is that something you will fix on your side? Or is that something we will do on our side by re-uploading each avatar for each user?

    Thanks for the registration fix…

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  • @trent


    I find that users cannot change the avatar as it gives me the “image must be bigger than 150px X 150px” error even though the image is bigger….




    Same here, My new user can’t register new blog coz they alway get error says

    “The image you upload must have dimensions of 150 x 150 pixels or larger.”



    Thanks for the Global notification system, that is very much needed in order to make buddypress work.

    Avatars, I noticed that avatars are being saved to one particular folder under the blog.dir and within that folder other folders are created for the users, is that the way it will continue to work? And what should I do about previous users who signed up. There folder is not in that same primary folder, and their pics do not show up anymore.

    As the nadiamode & trent have mentioned there is an issue with 150px X 150px” error when trying to change an avatar. Thanks for your help.



    The 150 X 150 error is fixed in the latest Trunk version now! Thanks Andy!




    Problem is that changeset 444 will give errors as I reported in this ticket.




    Thanks for the 150×150 error fix, however the picture does not show up even after uploading. I am guessing that is may be a part of Trents ticket.

    How is everybody else handling older avatars from old sign ups? How do I get my old sign ups to show their avatars? Or is everyone waiting for the change avatar to just re-upload? Thanks for the 411



    Thank apeatling,

    Now can upload/edit avatar but the original image on activation page doesn’t show (the page that let people crop dimension) I try to check .. no orginal image in wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/avatars only have avatar file that crop to 150×150 already

    For error bp-core-settings.php, I had temporary comment out

    /* require_once( ‘bp-core/bp-core-settings.php’ ); */



    yeah i see same problem of require_once i reverted back to older version 443



    Why am I still not able to see old avatars? Is this true for everyone, or just me?



    I cannot change them either. They appear to upload and they do actually go into the directory, however they just won’t show up? They are broken links or 404’s. Any ideas?



    Still have this problem:

    I cannot change them old avatars. They appear to upload and they do actually go into a directory, however they just won’t show up? They are broken links or 404’s. Any ideas?



    After listening to Andy’s advise I think I found the problem.

    I got rid of all my files except for my tables, and reinstalled a fresh WPMU and buddypress. By accident I didn’t upload the htaccess file–the thing is I realized when the htaccess file is not uploaded the avatars work. However, all pictures on the website do not work.

    If I delete line 6 below, then the avatars appear to work. However, if deleted then all pics on the site don’t work. I hope this provides some insight into the problem.

    1 RewriteEngine On

    2 RewriteBase /

    3 #uploaded files

    4 RewriteRule ^(.*/)?files/$ index.php [L]

    5 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !.*wp-content/plugins.*

    6 RewriteRule ^(.*/)?files/(.*) wp-content/blogs.php?file=$2 [L]

    7 # add a trailing slash to /wp-admin

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^.*/wp-admin$

    RewriteRule ^(.+)$ /$1/ [R=301,L]

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d

    RewriteRule . – [L]

    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(wp-.*) $2 [L]

    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(.*.php)$ $2 [L]

    RewriteRule . index.php [L]

    <IfModule mod_security.c>

    <Files async-upload.php>

    SecFilterEngine Off

    SecFilterScanPOST Off





    it didnt work for me unfortunately, just kept sending me to my main page lol

    Also it isnt BP thats actually causing this. It is the MU itself in my case as I just found out when I uninstalled everything and started again.

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