Moved to a new server and am getting this error again. Here are soe details.
1) WordPress 3.1.1 & BuddyPress 1.2.8
2) blogs.dir is chown/chgrp to www-data (the apache user) and set to 777 (recursively).
3) GD is installed.
4) Safe mode is turned off in PHP
When one tries to do an upload, this is what happens …
This was working fine on our old server. So, I am a bit flummoxed. The new setup must be missing something, but what?
Thanks for the help!
bugger, this has just started happening for me too. I have even manually created the folder it says it cant create, and still it gives the error.
All folders above it are 777.
i take it all back. wp-content was not. As you were!
Very very old thread
please create new ones rather than drag up threads which should really be read only.
This error is nearly always due to incorrect user/groups the server process doesn’t have access to perform actions on the folder and often it doesn’t matter what folder chmod perms you set also simply settling for 777 (wp-content should be at most 775 ) world writable is not wise or necessary and things really need dealing with on the server user/group level
@hnla – Why would we start up a new thread when the community history of this issue lives on this thread? It seems less efficient to be rebooting an unresolved issue on multiple threads.
As for my wp-content, it is owned by www-data (the apache user) and set to 777. I still experience this issue.