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  • @burtadsit


    Easy? You mean like going to McDonalds and getting a cheeseburger easy?

    Or going to the store buying all the fixings, coming home and making a cheeseburger easy?

    Line 34 of bp-activity-widgets.php is the spot that echos the sitewide activity stuff you see. The loop around it uses the var $item which is of the flavor ‘array’ containing amongst other things the condiment : $item. If you use the proper kitchen utensil : bp_core_get_avatar( $item, 1 ) you are well on your way to making a normal size burger. That gets you the 50×50 avatar.

    If your really hungry you could use bp_core_get_avatar( $item, 2 ). That gets you the big avatar.

    So, is it McDonalds today or the kitchen?

    I think Charlie Stout’s talk about farming in relation to bp has made me hungry.



    I’m a vegetarian, but your recipe is just the ticket!

    Thanks for the link to Charlie’s article – good read while munching some rabbit food.



    BTW – I’m looking for some custom gravitars – any designers interested?



    You didn’t leave your contact info ehegwer.

    Nice integration of bp into your theme. Then there is the evil bbpress side of look and feel that I haven’t had time to face either. Just make it go away please Santa. :)

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