Avatars for Groups
When we create a GROUP Avatar uploaded images will stay here:
…But on the Home page Widget they point here (let say the admin create the GROUP):
Any possibility to fix it ?
The first path you gave is the physical path to the avatars. I don’t know *what* the second one is. It is not a physical path to anything in bp. Nor is it an url that bp uses.
Where are you getting this url from?
The second path was just as example.
The relative path of the images source is:
…So the problem is the directory /member/admin that infact does not exist…
It’s not a problem that it doesn’t exist, it’s not supposed to exist. It’s a virtual url that gets parsed into something else.
I have the same problem
Any possible change to fix it?
@diegos the path to the avatars is:
The urls that are of the form:
Are virtual urls. The path ../members/admin does *not* exist on the server.
bp get the url, pulls it apart and decides what component the user is trying to use and the rest of the url is parameters it passes along to the various components.
Exactly *what* is there to fix. One of us is more confused than the others here. I admit it might be me. Enlighten me on what the problem is please.
For example:
In http://cotreball.com/groups –> Web Standards Group, the URL of the avatar’s group is http://cotreball.com/members/lmmartin/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/avatars/10/w3c-3-groupavatar-thumb.jpg, but actually it could be http://cotreball.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/avatars/10/w3c-3-groupavatar-thumb.jpg
You can try both URLs, and you could see that the correct URL is the second but the site use the first.
I see part of the problem now. No avatars for your groups after upload of group avatar. It’s beginning to make sense. I wasn’t using custom avatars for groups. Til now. Never tried it.
It’s gonna take me a few to look at the problem but I was able to reproduce it on this end. I’ll take a look. I’m helping another user get forums up and running right now.
OK, I see the problem. Looks like a bug. The url for the avatar is mangled up. The avatar uploads fine but the url ref is trash. I’ll hunt it down and send in a patch to trac.
It’s not something you are doing wrong. Stop trying to do it right.
I can duplicate a problem like yours on windows but not on linux.
What version of buddypress is everyone in this thread using?
I am using buddypress beta and my hosting is linux (ixwebhosting)
Thanks, I can’t access your group avatar file directly and I should be able to. I’m getting the mu login form. If your configuration is right I should just be able to view your group avatar with the full url to it. I can’t.
If I can’t get to it then neither can bp.
I have openend the BD: wp_bp_groups table, avatar_thumb and avatar_full cells.
The URL saved is incorrect, so I think that the problem happens when you create and save the group.
(Web Standards Group, the URL of the avatar’s group is http://cotreball.com/members/lmmartin/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/avatars/10/w3c-3-groupavatar-thumb.jpg, but actually it would be http://cotreball.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/avatars/10/w3c-3-groupavatar-thumb.jpg)
Any good news about this bug ?
Nope. I’ve reproduced it on windows. Not on linux. I can’t figure out how parts of a member url: (cotreball.com/members/lmmartin) are getting into the group url. Lemme go check some things…
OK. I did reproduce your problem. You are logging into a subdomain on your site. You are going to ‘my account’ > groups > create a group and then do all the steps to create a new group/upload the avatar. I did that and it’s using a trash url to find the avatar. This only happens when you are logging directly in to a subdomain and not the mu root blog.
It’s using the wrong url when it stores the avatar url. It is using your ‘mysite.org/members/lmmartin’ for the url and it should be using ‘mysite.org’. The avs are there, it just thinks they are somewhere else. I’ll put in a ticket to trac. This is fixable now.
Like I said. You are not doing anything wrong. Try logging out. Going to the mu root blog cotreball.com. Logging in there and then creating a group.
I’ve posted a fix in trac. If you feel comfortable changing core code until the fix comes through SVN or the next beta then you can modify this file:
/mu-plugins/bp-groups.php in function groups_get_avatar_hrefs() line number 1152 now reads:
$src = $bp;
change it to:
$src = trailingslashit($bp);
Fixes the upload group avatar when logging into a subdomain problem.
I’ll try to change this code, thanks so much
Btw, I created 2 groups from cotreball root blog, and both didn’t show correctly the logo either. I think that the problem was in the code that save the group
(my hosting is linux as well)
There currently isn’t a way to change group avatars once created. That feature is set for the 1.0 release of bp. You’ll have to wait until then
, edit the path directly with phpmyadmin or delete the groups and re-create them.
I recently found out in the latest build created 4th Feb that the group avatars upload and generate fine with the correct path but the actual names saved to the database are wrong.
The database naming of the group avatar is saved into the database as http://www.myserver.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/avatars/1/james-bond-3-groupavatar-thumb.jpg and
the files are named as follows during the upload in tha dmin of changing the group avatar http://www.myserver.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/avatars/1/james-bond-avatar1.jpg (this is the thumbnail)
hope it helps someone, it looks to me that there is a mistake in the naming of the files on the upload as opposed to what is saved into the database at the time of creation… Once I changed my database file name the group avatar loaded fine…
hosting is centos / linux
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