Huh? I am not a spammer! What does that mean?
I put in a ticket and screen shots here:
@yakster, I also have this issue with my groups.
Same with deleting users….. It’s not my plugins causing problems.
maybe @hnla, @mercime, @r-a-y @boonebgorges, or @apeatling, @crashutah, @DJPaul, could assist us.
Thanks for noting the problems!
Added a potential fix here:
Thanks @r-a-y.
I have no idea how to add a patch…. no idea.
And I am using 1.2.5 because 1.2.6 gives me more problems than I can imagine
@r-a-y, I have the same problem.
I have no idea how to add a patch either
No need to bump the topic multiple times.
If you are not sure how to patch and you feel a little adventurous, make the changes manually:
If you have access to edit plugins, login to your WP dashboard and navigate to “Plugins > Editor” and select BuddyPress in the dropdown menu located near the top right corner, then edit the files mentioned in the patch.
Otherwise, open up your FTP program and make the edits mentioned in the patch.
**Be sure to make a backup of the files you are attempting to edit before you make any changes**
Green lines mean they are code additions; red lines mean delete.
This issue is connected with the error message received when trying to delete a user.
Something is wrong.
@r-a-y, If I am using the previous version, will it totally mess it all up?
I tried to do it manually before, but I could not find the original to replace with new, thinking it was because I was not using 1.2.6