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bbpress profile vs. buddypress profile

  • @mdsports


    Upon integrating bbpress into my mu/bp theme i noticed that bbpress has it’s own profile section. Are there plans to integrate in the future so that only one user profile exists between the two? Seems strange to me to have two different profiles available for one website.

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  • @burtadsit


    Don’t really think so. People will want different levels of ‘integration’ for those two products. This is really a theme related issue. If the theme developer decides to do that then it gets done. I’m doing that on a theme I’m working on for bbpress. I want to have as much bp functionality as possible in bbpress.

    You can see the current state of chaos here:

    login credentials for test user:

    username – hellome

    password – hellome

    The way I have it setup now is that when viewing a thread the user info block for each post has the bp avatar, user full name and underneath the bbpress title. The user full name takes you to the bp profile and the title takes you to the bbpress profile. Just fooling around with some ideas.



    I’m also on my way to totally eliminating the bbPress profile at If only there was a “Favorites” function inside BuddyPress. Hmm… :)



    hi there…

    i’ve been running my forums on bbpress for some time, and would like to move over to buddypress.. is there a way to import bbpress including profiles into buddy?

    i’d like that very much (and so would my users)


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