Hands down “Add All Nav Links to BP Adminbar” is the best plugin for building drop down menus from the admin bar.
I think they want the main tabs to have drop downs. Search https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/search.php?q=drop+down+menu&sort=
There are a bunch but the problem is they won’t match the BP default style. You’ll have to add the code to call the wp custom nav and delete the hard coded BP nav.
I couldnt get functionality using any of the above, using the bp-colours-aqua theme. Any ideas or similar problems?
Drop downs are coming to BP-default theme soon. you might want to wait instead of using a plugin.
@medemlooper – Awesome, any idea when? soon=2010?
1.2.7 which is coming soon.
Think the new menu arrangement will not be included until 1.3, it will be better to wait on WP 3.1 anyway for the fixes it will make to menu aspects.
Why wait? I think it could be tossed in easily with a if has nav and use the old li links as an else. It’s not like it’s some crazy functionality, it’s built into wordpress and added with minimal fuss.
If it’s not in 1.2.7 I’ll write a tut.
1.3 probably won’t be around for months.
What happened to it coming soon