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Best practices for usermeta -> xprofile (Profile Builder)

  • @zoewsaldana


    Hi all,

    I would love some feedback on whether it’s necessary to, upon new user registration with Profile Builder, push usermeta directly to an extended profile field (so to go from usermeta to bp-xprofile).

    I want the buddypress member page headers to show additional profile information, which I was able to add in using xprofile data. But I could just as easily switch that reference to the usermeta data itself.

    Do people generally feel that xprofile is powerful? Will there be other situations I’ll be happy to have that data directly in xprofile, rather than usermeta? Additionally, if a user edits their profile, I can use Profile Builder’s update tool, or Buddy Press’s profile update tool.. is one generally preferred over the other?

    tl;dr: I’m not too sure how strong xprofile is versus expanding my use of usermeta, what are your thoughts?

    Thank you!

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  • @henrywright


    xProfile data is a BuddyPress thing and user meta is a WordPress thing. Which one you use will depend on whether you plan to always use BuddyPress. If not then taking the user meta approach will ensure your plugin will work on all WordPress installs (even when BuddyPress is deactivated).

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