Never mind Ive found it.
Table wp_options in your wp database.
option_name bp-active-components.
I will have a play about.
Damn, its confusing. Think Ive got it for anyone else with this issue.
The a:8 at the start, needs changing to however many components are running. I disabled groups and friends, so I changed the code to read:
And yes, my admin page now works. I think its the friends component, as Ive had groups running before with no issues. I might report more here if I work out the friends issue.
oops, now most of my components are not running. That wasnt correct editing of the code.
To remove a component, delete the whole section, eg., s:6:”groups”;s:1:”1″;
BEFORE (BROKEN? White/Blank wp-admin)
AFTER (Working wp-admin)
So as you can see, to disable / remove the groups component, remove the section s:6:”groups”;s:1:”1″; and adjust the a:# at the start so it is a:# where # is the total number of components in use. Eg a:6
The bizarre thing is that the front end of the site worked fine, even with friends and groups showing. Wierd!! You’d think it would be the other way around.
And if the edit function worked here I wouldn’t have to reply to my own post so many times.
This *may* have been a memory related issue.
I have upped my settings in php.ini – memory_limit was 8M (default) – I put it to 128M and I can now have both friends and groups components active without the wp-admin breaking.
Also avatar uploads weren’t working a lot of the time, they were timing out / connection reset. This seemed to fix that issue too. Or one of the below, which are shown below as double the default.
max_execution_time = 60
max_input_time = 120