do you mean block an user to join a group?
Hi Nicola,
No, I want to block users from writing on wires or forums etc. Is this possible?
Basically it’s possible,
if you’re really patiente, i was interested in groups role plugin, but i’ve not planned it yet, with the ipotetic groups role plugin, you could create group roles, so you could create a role called “limited”, and make it as default role.
But anyway not planned this plugin yet
Thanks Nicola,
I’ll be patient
I must say you are a busy chap. I look forward to seeing more of your plugins in the future and can’t wait ’til you get the bugs tested on the extra group functions plugin (I really need this one!).
Thanks for the swift reply.
I’m trying to “delete” a user completely, but can’t see how to do this. I have deleted him in WPMU, but he still exists in BP.
I’m seriously confused!
Site Admin => Users
Select the user and click delete
Done that, but he still exists as a profile in BP.