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Blog Directory

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  • @malcan2009


    Ok guys I found out how to do it I loaded up buddy press and it is a standard feature!

    Only prob now it works wit the bp standard theme but when I change the theme to the church theme that I am using on wpmu it does not work!

    Not sure if this is right place for this so will add new post in troubleshooting!





    In what way it doesn’t work? give more detail. :)



    when I change the theme to the church theme that I am using on wpmu it does not work!

    BuddyPress themes are special cases of WordPress themes. They have additional functions and some unique code that make them work in BP. So, you cannot take any WP theme and substitute it for a BuddyPress theme.

    If you wish to use something other than one of the Standard BP themes, then you need to pick an already available custom BP theme, customize a WP theme to make it work in BP, or design your own BP custom theme from scratch. You can search the BP forums for advice on customizing themes to work in BP.




    I did what Jeff said in a previous email use the skeleton page so I copied over files from the church wp theme (studiopress) and now it works but the directory list is verticle instead of horizontal!

    Any ideas how to fix that






    The link you provided does not load properly. Instead, it keeps triggering a reload of the page. I’m trying on Safari 3.2.5.

    But, I think I know what you are saying. This is primarily a CSS issue. If you are not doing so already, you should be using Firefox with the Firebug Add-on. This combination will allow you to analyze other sites, see how they use CSS, make changes to the CSS to see how that affects the design and layout. This way, you can then learn what you need to do to apply the same or similar CSS selectors to your design.



    Hi Jeff,

    Strange about the url as It works for me

    Anyway thanks for the advice I have got fire fox but hardly use it I will load it up and do as you suggested.

    Many thanks again for your help






    I just tried visiting your site again. In Safari for OS X, it begins loading, the progress bar gets about 30% on its way, and then it starts loading all over again. It never renders any page content in the browser window. Your favicon is the only item that appears–and that of course is in the address bar.

    I then tried with the latest version of FireFox for OS X, almost the same thing happened except this time I got your greyish patterned background. But, it still kept reloading.

    I then checked for errors using the Web Developer Add-on for Firefox. There were many reported. Actually, it is probably the case that there are just a handful of errors. Each time the site reload gets triggered (about 2-3 times a second), the errors get added to the list.

    I recommend that you install that Add-on and take a look yourself. Since you say that you have no issue loading your website, I can only assume that you are not using OS X. But, I don’t think that you want to exclude all OS X users from your site!



    Thanks again Jeff I will use the add-on and see what I can do!



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