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BP 1.1 upgrade removed WP themed landing page, I would like it back.

  • A feature in buddypress 1.1 is to use the BP theme for all pages including the main page which was previously themed by a wordpress theme. Is there any way I can change the theme only for that one single page?

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  • @jeffsayre


    Thank you Jeff for the fast response. I was not able to find that documentation before…

    I am caught up on one step. I am in the section “I’ve used a WordPress theme for my blog with the default BuddyPress member theme” I have backed up my WP theme and copied over the folders/files from bp-sn-parent.

    The next step instucts me to “Make sure you have backed up your “/wp-content/bp-themes/” directory (this is important for the last step), then delete it.”

    I do not have a bp-themes folder in wp-content. Should I? Is it just located elsewhere? Will I still need to delete it?

    Folders I do have: blogs.dir, mu-plugins, plugins, themes



    Did you have a previous installation of BuddyPress? It seems from your thread title that you did.

    The old two-theme system relied on the bphome theme residing in /wp-content/themes/ and the bpmember theme residing in /wp-content/bp-themes/. If you had BuddyPress working before, this is where those two themes had to live.

    I guess it would be important to note that I DID have previous install. Due to some BBpress forum issues during upgrade, I decided to go with a fresh install.

    I have copied in the WP theme to /wp-content/themes/Essence-Silver in hopes I can apply it to the main page.

    Advice from here?



    Well, you need to go through the steps of the section you’re reading, “I’ve used a WordPress theme for my blog with the default BuddyPress member theme”. In essence, you are adapting a non-BP theme to be useable by BP. Your other option is to do what it suggests at the end of that section.

    If you need to grab the old default theme files, they can be found here:

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