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BP Advanced SEO

  • @mrbeno


    This is kind of a noob question, but I installed advanced SEO and have some questions.

    My goal is to get my site name at the front with the “towns keyword” name, just like anyone else. I don’t think it should be too tough since, it is mainly small business websites there and a few big town ones. And my domain name is the exact townname.

    For Home Title: what is an ideal group of words (and number) to use for example “townname” state, anything else?
    Home Description: Any good suggestions. I do call my site the “townname” Social Network” and a bunch of other stuff explaining groups and forums.

    Home Keywords: “towname” County, state? anything else. Now I am aware of regular SEO on how the Home page should have bolds and mention the keywords a bunch of times, but just wondering if there are any tricks or advantageswith BP Advanced SEO.

    Profile Field: Now this one I have no idea what to put in?

    Last question, should I Lable my additional pages sucha as “townname” Directory, “townname classifieds”.

    Thanks again and sorry for noobish question, I just want to make sure I am using the best plugin for BP SEO and the correct way to use to achieve higher rank.

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