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BP CSS not loaded in header

  • @gooly


    I’m building a custom theme for WP/BP and I found out that the cover images for profile and group were not displayed. I could upload and remove it, just not see it once everything was saved.
    After a short investigation I found that an entire style block for BP was missing from teh HTML head.

    If I change the theme to twentyfiteen, I see a style block in the HTML head like this:

    <style id='bp-twentyfifteen-inline-css' type='text/css'>
    /* Cover image */
    #buddypress #header-cover-image {
    	height: 225px;
    	background-image: url(http://localhost/buddypress/wp-content/uploads/buddypress/members/1/cover-image/58e3a4efd7baf-bp-cover-image.png);
    } etc. etc.

    But that styleblock is missing in my own theme.
    I checked whether I had the wp_head() tag in place, which I had.
    Then I ended up at this page but also there I can’t find anything to fix this.
    This is the first time I’m building a theme to work with BP, so myaby I’m overseeing some very logical point 😉

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